Deadline for submission of registration documents: May 21, 2024.
Deadline for submission of registration documents: May 21, 2024.
The 12th Edition od the Guitar Talents competition is organized in a hybrid system. Competitors will choose a participation option: physical presence or online.
For both forms of participation, the documents required for registration will be sent by May 21, 2024
It will be held on June 7, for the Hobby section and June 8, for the Performance section. In 2024 a Gala show will be organized on June 9, 5pm for the competitors registered in the stage performance option.
The stage competition is organized by the Association “Deschideri spre viitor” and consists of two different sections: PERFORMANCE & HOBBY.
The PERFORMANCE section include 4 age categories:
The HOBBY is organized according to the years of study, according to the grade the pupils are in at the moment of registration.
Each competitor will make a video recording of the proposed repertoire. It will be uploaded to Youtube with the audience setting: public. The name of the video recording on Youtube will be the following: “Name of the competitor – International Contest Guitar Talents, Bucharest 2024”
The Online competition includes 4 age categories:
In the online competition can take part only those who do not study guitar in a music highschool or university.
Before the actual interpretation of the repertoire, each contestant will present himself in the video mentioning: name and surname & the contest in which he participates. Example: “My name is …… .. This video is made to participate in the Guitar Talents competition – 12th edition, 2024.”
The link to the video posted on Youtube will be sent to the organizers by e-mail: until June 10, 2024.
The recording will have to be done without interruption, interpreting all the pieces from the competition repertoire, exactly as in the case of a stage performance.
Video recording can be done with the help of any video device (video camera, camera with recording function, mobile phone, etc.).
Editing of video recordings (mastering / soldering) is not allowed.
The quality of the image and the aspects related to the place where the recording is made will not be taken into account in the judging.
The frame must be made so that the position, face, gestures and both hands of the interpreter are visible during the interpretation.
The sound is indicated to be loud enough, quality and as clear as possible.
Clothing can be free to choose, keeping the idea of a dress code suitable for performing.
The maximum time allocated to each benefit does not take into account the introductory presentation time.
To the extent that the repertoire does not fall exactly within the time limits imposed for each category, a maximum time extension of 30 seconds is allowed.
Deadline for submission of registration documents: May 21, 2024.
Deadline for submitting links on Youtube: June 10, 2024.
The online contest will take place between June 13-20, 2024.
The prizes for the online contest consist of diplomas and sheet music in pdf format from the website (Scores section) as follows:
1st prize: 5 scores of your choice
2nd prize: 3 scores of your choice
3rd prize: 2 scores of your choice
Mention: 1 score of your choice
The videos can be deleted from Youtube by the user only one week after the final results are displayed.
The results will be displayed on June 30, 2024 on the official website of the contest.
The deadline for completing the registration formalities (sending documents & paying the participation fee) for both types of participation in the contest, with stage or online presence: May 21, 2024.
A participant can register in the contest both in the HOBBY section and in the PERFORMANCE section, choosing the same participation option (with stage presence or online), respecting the repertoire requirements.
Pupils from music/arts highschools and students from music universities will registrate only in the PERFORMANCE section.
Competitors who have been among the laureates in the previous editions in the PERFORMANCE section and have been awarded with the 1st, 2nd or 3rd places will not be able to sign up for the HOBBY section.
Exceptions are competitors who for two editions have not won any awards in the PERFORMANCE section and who are not enrolled in music / arts high schools or music universities.
All documents will be sent by e-mail to:
Online contest: 100 lei (payed in this currency: lei)
Hobby and Performance section: 150 lei (payed in this currency: lei)
The participation fee will be paid into the account of “Deschideri spre viitor” association – see the second page of the registration form.
The participation fees are not refundable.
A category: repertoire of free choice with a minimum duration of 4 minutes and maximum duration of 7 minutes;
B category: repertoire of free choice with a minimum duration of 6 minutes and maximum duration of 10 minutes;
C category: at least two pieces from different musical periods with a minimum duration of 7 minutes and maximum duration of 12 minutes.
D category: at least two pieces from different musical periods with a minimum duration of 8 minutes and maximum duration of 15 minutes.
For each grade: repertoire of free choice with a total maximum duration of 7 minutes. For 4th grade and older competitors the minimum duration of the program will be 3 minutes. Competitors signed-up in the HOBBY section can play pieces of any musical style, provided they are interpreted with the classical guitar.
Our sponsors:
PC Garage, Tecnoservice Equipment srl, Totunik, Telegraf Print, Magazinul Rapsodia,
In each section, I, II, III prizes and mentions are eligible to be awarded. Depending on the musical performancevof the competitors, the jury can decide to award or not award one or more of the prizes in the different age categories.
Special prizes:
For the PERFORMANCE on stage section the prizes consist of:
For the HOBBY on stage section the prizes consist of:
The prizes for the ONLINE contest consist of diplomas and sheet music in pdf format from the website (“Partituri” section)
First prize – 5 scores to choose from
Second prize – 3 scores to choose from
Third prize – 2 scores to choose from
Mention – 1 score to choose
In order to get the scores, each contestant will send an e-mail to with the desired pieces.
The jury will be made up of classical guitar teachers and performers. The jury members will be announced to all participants before the beginning of the event.
The jury will have three main criteria of evaluation:
The members of the jury will not score their own students.
The final evaluation score for each participant represents the average score given by the jury members, excluding the highest and the lowest score.
The decisions of the jury are final. No appeals are admitted.
All useful information regarding the organization and conduct of the contest will be posted on the competition’ s website and will also be sent by e-mail in due time to all participants.
Additional information about the contest will also be posted and updated on the Association’ s facebook page: “Deschideri spre viitor”.
Tudor Niculescu-Mizil
Mobile: (004) 0720 788 827